


Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has a proven track record of in-house design and development of a family of business jets as well as a wide range of other aerospace products. This includes the design, analysis, testing, certification manufacturing and assembly capabilities for composite structures. Most importantly, over the past 60 years IAI has been engaged with the challenging task of optimizing structural cost, safety and weight for low volume production of relatively small aircrafts, one of the main company objectives.

At present, IAI develops, manufactures and tests non-structural complex parts for landing gears with the support of the EU Clean Sky program. RTM (resin transfer moulding) technology is used in the manufacturing process with special complex tools and can be adapted for automated production. In this project, IAI combines tailored fibre placement (TFP) and RTM technologies in its design and manufacturing.

CirComp, a Company of Albany Engineered Composites, Inc

CirComp manufactures customized components from composite materials by using CNC controlled filament winding, thermoplastic pultrusion or resin transfer moulding (RTM) processes. CirComp has gathered outstanding experience and know-how over many years in the field of component manufacturing using composite materials. CirComp is ISO 9001:2015, EN 9100:2018 and Nadcap certified .

One of our latest aerospace developments is a composite AIRSTRUT® that opens landing gear doors. Our strut is characterized by its slim design and high buckling stability in the component’s center. The load introduction is achieved by a form-fit connection. Our composite door rod presents an approximate reduction of 50% in weight compared with the approved aluminum rod.

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